You buy insurance to protect yourself when you have a need. This need might be an auto loss, business claim, or home fire. When something bad happens you want your insurance company to respond. When it comes to filing a claim, knowledge is power. We hope you never have a claim, but we want you to be prepared if you do have a claim.
The value of an agent during the claim process
- It is important to have a professional agent like us to help you through the claim process. If you buy your insurance from a faceless on-line company, you may not get the same level of service.
- Insurance claim filing process
- Read your policy. Know what is covered and understand your rights. Knowing what your insurance policy does and doesn’t cover is essential to getting through the claims process quicker.
- Contact your agent or company as soon as possible. Have the basic facts ready like your policy number, claim information, and contact information.
- Prevent further damage. If you home is damaged and is in need of immediate repairs, you have the right and obligation to prevent further damage.
- Start to document the loss. Take photos, keep all receipts, and obtain contact information of all people involved. Don't throw out damaged property or other expensive items until an adjuster has seen them.
- Always submit your claim in writing with all receipts and a cover letter.
- Know your rights and who to contact if you are not satisfied with your settlement. Most consumers find that their claim is paid quickly, easily and fairly. This is another reason to have an independent agent on your team. We can help get you the best possible settlement.
Filing a claim generally will not cause the insurance company to cancel you. Many insurance companies have the option of tracking your claims on-line.